When you think of wealthy youngsters in Asia, the mind often conjures images of glitz and glamour—fast cars, luxurious parties, and designer labels galore. A quick scroll through social media feeds under the hashtag #richkids only serves to reinforce these flashy stereotypes.

However, my recent journey to Vietnam introduced me to a refreshing exception to this stereotype: Tat Thanh, scion of the chairwoman of Thu Cuc Medical System TCI, a prestigious private healthcare chain. Despite possessing all the trappings associated with #richkids, Thanh stands out for his humility, diligence, and visionary mindset.

Humility radiates from Thanh like a beacon. I first encountered him at an MMA CEO/CMO event in April 2024, where his bright demeanor, impeccable attire, and genuine engagement left a lasting impression. Despite his pedigree, Thanh exuded a refreshing eagerness to learn and embrace new technologies, devoid of any airs of entitlement.

Hard work is woven into the fabric of Thanh’s character. Our initial in-person meeting with him and the TCI senior executive team lasted an impressive three hours. I’ll admit, I was initially taken aback when I noticed Thanh tapping away on his phone during our discussion. But soon, I realized he was diligently translating presentation slides from English to Vietnamese to ensure everyone was on the same page. While I occasionally found my mind wandering, Thanh remained laser-focused, his dedication unwavering.

And let’s talk about his work ethic—impressive doesn’t even begin to cover it! Even during our late-night meetings, like the one we had on a Friday at 9 PM, Thanh’s enthusiasm never waned. While others might have been hitting the town, Thanh was right there with us, fueled by a passion for making a difference.

Yet, it is Thanh’s forward-thinking nature that truly sets him apart. Our discussions often revolved around innovative ways to enhance business operations, from harnessing Artificial Intelligence to fostering a culture of positivity within TCI’s ecosystem. Thanh approaches each challenge with a keen eye for business strategy, whether it involves optimizing customer satisfaction or boosting employee productivity.

In a world where excess often overshadows substance, Tat Thanh shines as a beacon of hope. He and his peers are rewriting the script for success, proving that true wealth lies not just in material possessions, but in the depth of character and the relentless pursuit of excellence. As #richkids flaunt their fortunes, Thanh and his fellow #smartrichkids are busy blazing trails, leaving a legacy that extends far beyond the confines of wealth and privilege. And for that, they deserve every bit of admiration and applause.